This is one of the essential tools I use daily, helping me eliminate a significant amount of routine work.
Yes, it happens – I actually use my own creation daily.
Texture Packer for Linux and macOS is a command-line utility that packs multiple input images into a single texture atlas. Its CLI nature makes it ideal for automation in various workflows.
- It’s quite fast’ve compared it to a “standard paid” packer.
- It accepts both individual sprites and entire directories as input, with support for recursive directory processing.
- It can generate Power-of-Two (PoT) atlases.
- You can limit the maximum size of the atlas.
- It can trim “excess” border pixels from input sprites.
- It can add a border of a specified size around a sprite when placing it in the atlas.
- It generates an XML file with the layout description of the placed sprites.
The utility was originally created for personal use, but is now available on GitHub – Texture Packer.
[…] бесполезна. Но это не беда, есть упаковщик атласа – Texture Packer, которым я пользуюсь давно и на постоянной […]
[…] них. Делается это все из консоли. Да, я люблю консоль. Упаковщик атласов, конечно, свой.Игра поддерживает несколько языков – […]